Melville Cares is a not for profit entity with control over the assets owned in partnership with stakeholders. A Board of Directors provides over-sight and governs the strategic direction of Melville Cares.
The Board is structured with a Chairperson and Deputy Chair with a complement of ordinary members. The Board meets bi-monthly with supplementary committee meetings for review of planning and finance.
A strategic plan is reviewed annually with its implementation and progress monitored by the Board.
The CEO manages the organisation on a day to day basis, operating under delegated authority to manage the organisation’s assets and resources from the Melville Cares Board.
Role and composition of the board
Board members have a significant role in ensuring compliance with statutory and governance responsibilities.
The primary role of the Board is planning the future direction of Melville Cares and ensuring that the accountability requirements of stakeholders are met.
The Board of Melville Cares is comprised of experienced professionals from the areas of business, accounting, aged care, legal, research, health and allied health.
The diversity of the Board provides a range of views and expertise which forms the core of a balanced decision making process.