


Code of Conduct

Melville Cares Code of Conduct identifies the values we hold as fundamental in our work and describes how these values translate into action.

We are all responsible for our conduct in the workplace. We aim to encourage each other to uphold the principles and responsibilities outlined in our Code of Conduct and ensure that our behaviour is above reproach and able to withstand public scrutiny. Our clients, their families, carers and other users of Melville Cares services are foremost in our decisions and actions.

Who does the Code apply to?

This Code of Conduct applies to all Melville Cares personnel, inclusive of all employee categories, board directors, volunteers and contractors.

Responsibilities under the Code

Employees of Melville Cares are responsible for ensuring that our behaviour reflects the standards of conduct embodied in the Code.

Management has a special responsibility to support employees in achieving these goals, by leading by example and assisting employees to understand the Code. Management also has a duty to investigate and act accordingly where allegations of breaches of the Code of Conduct are raised.

The standards of conduct and integrity of Melville Cares employees must comply with and are expressed in the following principles.

Our Principles

Personal integrity

To act with care and diligence and make decisions that are fair, honest, impartial, and timely and consider all relevant information.

Relationships With Others

To treat people with respect, courtesy and sensitivity and recognise their interests, rights, safety and welfare.


To use the resources of Melville Cares in a responsible and accountable manner that ensures the efficient, effective and appropriate use of human, natural, financial and physical resources, property and information.

Responsible Care

Responsible care means protecting and managing with care and diligence the human, natural and financial resources of Melville Cares. We will:

  • Base all human resource practices, including recruitment, selection and appointment, on merit and equity, ensuring they are free from bias
  • Use our initiative, skills and expertise in competently performing our jobs with care, diligence and impartiality
  • Have due regard for the safety and security of Melville Cares resources
  • Ensure decisions made are fair and transparent and demonstrate accountability in our work practices and consult with those affected where possible
  • Work safely in a manner that protects and promotes the health and wellbeing of individuals and the environment
  • Ensure that our personal choices including use of alcohol and other substances do not affect work performance or endanger the health and safety of others
  • Maintain confidentiality about any personal or other information that becomes available to us in the course of our duties, and only use the information in conducting our duties and with the proper authorisation where required


To be honest and treat people courteously and considerately, to ensure their dignity is maintained and their rights are upheld. We will:

  • Treat clients, colleagues and the community with respect, courtesy, honesty and sensitivity
  • Respect the rights of others and act to empower them to claim and support their rights if they need assistance
  • Respect different values, beliefs, cultures and religions
  • Value the contribution of our fellow workers and work cooperatively with each other
  • Be considerate of the needs of our colleagues to balance their work and other life responsibilities and commitments
  • Not participate in or tolerate any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination and report instances where they occur
  • Act to resolve issues, grievances and concerns effectively, fairly and promptly

Ethical Behaviour

This constitutes being honest, showing integrity and upholding the policies of the organisation.

We will:

  • Behave in an ethical and professional manner at all times and not act in any way that brings Melville Cares into disrepute
  • Conduct our business fairly and openly without favour or prejudice
  • Disclose any personal or professional matters that may lead to actual or perceived conflicts of interests
  • Report any unethical or inappropriate behaviour we become aware of at work
  • Ensure the use of all resources provided, is compliant to their intended purpose
  • Not comment or provide information to the media without proper authorisation
  • Not accept gifts outside of policy guidelines in the course of employment
  • Protect and responsibly manage the intellectual property developed by Melville Cares. The intellectual property created in the course of employment, may remain the property of Melville Cares.

What happens if there is a breach of the Code?

The Code is not intended to be, and must not be, used to intimidate or threaten employees. It is the responsibility of each employee to disclose suspected improper, unethical or unlawful behaviour.

Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who attempts to intimidate, coerce or take reprisal against an employee who has disclosed suspected improper, unlawful or unethical behaviour.

Managers must ensure their decisions are fair, transparent and consistent in response to an allegation of a breach of the Code and the action to be taken. In determining the action to be taken, the nature and seriousness of the breach will be considered.

All allegations of a breach of the Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct will be referred in the first instance to management. Consequences of a breach include:

  • Informal or formal counselling
  • Performance management processes
  • Disciplinary action under “Grievance Procedures” guidelines
  • Referral to the police (in cases of suspected criminal offence)

Related Standards and Policies

Aged Care Act 1997

Melville Cares Policies

  • Compliments and Complaints
  • Bullying and Harassment
  • Whistle-blower
  • Gifts and Benefits
  • Workplace Grievances
  • Privacy and Data Handling
  • Human Resources
  • Workplace Health and Safety


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