Ode To Carers | A Poem By Christa

As you all know

We as Carers play a very special role

In the Veteran’s life…

And do we ever go on strike? No….


But all the jobs we do, which we shouldn’t

And who wouldn’t say yes, to those begging old eyes

But those old eyes are also very wise

Because they know how they can manipulate us at times!


Do we get rewarded with presents oh so groovy?

Would we not all prefer a free ticket to a movie?

But no, a stylish blouse from the last century

And if you protest “it is far too big!!”

You will hear… “Oh, no dear, it just perfectly fits

Just made for you”, well…

You just say thank you, what else can you do?


Our drawers are filling up left, right and center

For example…

A handbag with seashells

A homemade toilet roll holder

Padding for your shoulders

Dollies that could decorate a whole castle

A self painted flower pot with green plaster

And so on, goes the list

Aren’t those presents such ‘bliss’!!!


…and.. talking about those misunderstandings on the telephone line

Not easy when you are so short of time

“who is there?” and you repeat your name for the umtienth time

The voice in the background asks “who is it love?, and Indian again on the line?”

Stories are repeated and the same photos shown many times


… and… we all have to agree that we are in debt up to our ears

To those sweet old dears

Those numerous cups of coffee or tea

Including biscuits or a slice of cake for free


Lastly, let’s look again at our job description…

“Care Workers wanted for a special mission!!”


The End

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